I’m a long time Eclipse user but occasionally resort to using VSCode for features that Eclipse either does not support or support well. One of my primary uses of VSCode has been editing and previewing Markdown content such as the README.md file of every GIT project I’ve worked on. As of yesterday I’m no longer using VSCode for Markdown editing for Eclipse now has a really good Markdown coding and preview experience. This capability comes as part of the latest update of the CodeMix plugin for Eclipse (June 11, 2019) by Genutiec.

Key Features
- Syntax coloring and code folding of Markdown
- Outline view of document structure and click navigation
- Quick open/close of the Live Preview pane
- Automatic update the Live Preview pane on document save – Render-as-you-type coming soon
- Works with different Eclipse themes such as the popular DevStyle dark theme shown above
- Works with Eclipse versions 4.12 (current) – Neon 4.6
This is the initial release of markdown preview and more enhancements are on the way such as zoom in and out (scale), render-as-you-type, synchronized scrolling and more. Use the CodeMix Live Chat feature to talk with members of the Genuitec Dev Team to learn about planned features and discuss issues.

Let me conclude by sharing that CodeMix is a professional plugin by Genuitec ($29 USD) that provides a ton of coding features that transforms Eclipse into a modern coding IDE for everything from Angular, TypeScript, React, Vue, Node to Python and Markdown. Everyone can use CodeMix for 45 days free, which is plenty of time to fall in love with it or fallback to a more primitive coding experience.