Create your own small fast Mini-IDE for modern web (HTML, JS, TypeScript, Node, React, Vue, Angular) and Python development in minutes. Starts with the basic Eclipse platform (no tools). Mix in a couple of plugins with super-powers. Tweak the UI for a clean simple user experience. Boom! You’ve got your own cool mini-IDE. Read on…
Introducing my supernova-animation-experiment project implemented using three.js, TypeScript, WebPack and the CodeMix plugin for Eclipse.
Eclipse now has a great Markdown editing and preview experience.
The Advent of Code (AoC) annual 25-day coding challenge kicked off last Sunday (Dec 1). Each year that I’ve participated I…
If you like computer coding puzzles then you’ll enjoy the upcoming annual Advent of Code (AoC) contest. AoC is…
Introducing The Eclipse IDE is a feature rich code development environment. It’s so feature rich and replete that it’s…